However, it's hampered slightly by some of its more nonsensical puzzles, which can be frustrating to solve, and also because of the barrage of Monkey Island in-jokes found in the game, which won't seem so funny if you haven't played the previous games. The game features plenty of great-looking scenery, memorable characters, and funny dialogue.
That might sound dangerous, but you can't ever die in Escape from Monkey Island-the challenge consists of figuring out what to do next as you stumble through all kinds of bizarre situations. In each installment, his misadventures have culminated in a confrontation with the evil pirate LeChuck, who comes back in each game in some ghastlier form, like something out of a horror movie series. Like all its predecessors, Escape from Monkey Island stars Guybrush Threepwood, a pencil-neck pirate also-ran who's pretty smart but not much to look at. It's actually the fourth chapter in the Monkey Island series, which originally debuted on the PC more than 10 years ago. Escape from Monkey Island is an offbeat adventure game that's been ported to the PlayStation 2 from the PC version that was released late last year.